MacCleanse review, free download

MacCleanse review

MacCleanse is an optimization tool that will enhance your Mac's performance and ensure its security. It works on so many levels you will be impressed by the things it does. First of all, this neatly crafted application inspects your computer and finds useless information stored in various corners of your Mac and does nothing more but takes space that could have been used more efficiently. Second of all, it makes sure that programs are uninstalled properly. While users might confuse removal with uninstalling and simply drag an unecessary program to the Trash, MacCleanse will make sure that you delete this program for good together with all of its files that would otherwise sit on your Mac and eat its space. What is more, if you are one of those who take care the security of your data seriously, MacCleanse is perfect for you, as it deletes your Internet and app history and deals with extensions that require a lot of resources. You can set MacCleanse to scan your system on a regular basis. You can also set the regularity of scans or, if you have not done this, it can remind you to do it from time to time. What is more, you may select files which you want the scanner to omit or the ones that should always be removed. If you are concerned that something important might be accidentally removed, worry not, as MacCleanse will present you with a very detailed information about the files that are about to be removed so you will be able to approve them. You can choose from various types of scanning from the simplest to the most advanced one.


It is very important to ensure proper care of your of your Mac in order to optimize its operations. This will require an efficient tool which will take care of various operations and security issues that might affect your Mac. While you may delete most of the unwanted files manually, why waste time and risk deleting the wrong one? If you purchase MacCleanse, you will have one powerful tool capable of erasing your browsing-related information, cookies, login details, deleting redundant elements of programs, junk left behind the uninstalled programs, removing file duplicates and taking charge of various extensions in order save the resources. Should we say more? This program will become an integral part of your Mac and the only tool you need in order to optimize its activity.

About the author
Lucia Danes
Lucia Danes - Security researcher

Lucia Danes is the news editor at UGetFix. She is always on the move because the eager for knowledge makes her travel around the globe and attend InfoSec events and conferences.

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