Microsoft and Google offer two ways to improve security on Google Chrome browser

Windows Defender Browser Protection is about to improve users' security on Google Chrome

Google and Microsoft are seeking to improve Google Chrome

Windows Defender is a well-known security software developed by Microsoft. Initially, it was introduced together with the release of Windows 8 as a full anti-virus software and replaced its predecessor – Microsoft Security Essentials.

Several days ago, Microsoft introduced a new extension for Google Chrome – Windows Defender Browser Protection. Its primary goal is to block malware infections and stop people from getting tricked by scams, phishing emails,[1] and similar online dangers. It works by using a special scanner containing an extensive list of malicious web addresses. If user is about to visit one of these domains, it will be blocked before he or she manages to access it.

Google Chrome already has the built-in protection of a similar type. Thus, one might ask why would additional security be needed. Microsoft stated[2] that MS Edge (which has a built-in Windows Defender) is 99% effective against phishing attacks, in comparison to 87% Google Chrome's and only 70% Mozilla Firefox's.

Windows Defender Browser Protection is now available in Google Chrome web store[3] for those who seek extra security online.

Google changes its cookies policy that come from HTTP connections

It seems that Google is also very concerned when it comes to privacy issues and cyber attacks. Thus, the software giant decided to reduce the lifespan of cookies on Chrome that come from HTTP connections.

The change is mainly aimed at advertising companies that use invasive techniques to display ads. It is a well-known fact that some software, such as adware,[4] might pose security and privacy risks. Thus, Google hopes that developers will start sending cookies via HTTPS connections instead.

Typically, the lifespan of a cookie coming from insecure connections can reach no more than one calendar year. With Chrome 70 release (scheduled to launch in October 2018), Google plans to reduce the lifetime of a cookie to just a few days.

Google is also planning to mark HTTP connections as not secure starting in July this year[5] as HTTPS-based realms prevent intrusive hacker attacks that might expose personal information via an unsecured link.

The change will not affect regular users

Google engineers guarantee that the impact of the change will not affect users in any way, especially when cookies are relatively fragile pieces of information that can be evicted at any time. Thus, there will not be any compatibility issues.

Nevertheless, the ones who will definitely notice the difference are large advertising networks that send cookies via unsecured channels on a large scale. It will not prevent information tracking in general, but will reduce risks of involving unauthorized access to personal information or other data.

About the author
Alice Woods
Alice Woods - Shares the knowledge about computer protection

Alice Woods is a security expert who specializes in cyber threat investigation and analysis. Her mission on Ugetfix - to share the knowledge and help users to protect their computers from malicious programs.

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